Weekly club for kids with dyslexia, to preview the school and meet new friends this summer. The club will run for 5 weeks total, and we will explore robotics, crafts, arts with plenty of time for some free play. Sign up now, $15 per session, for a group size of 6-8 learners ages 8-12
Week 1- June 14, 2021:
4-5 pm Robotics:learn how to power a robot and make your own night light robot
5-545 pm Free play with tag and hide and seek with friends.
Week 2- June 21
4-5 pm Crafts Learn how to knit, sew, loom or crochet.
5-545 Free play and capture the flag with friends.
Week 3: June 28
4-5pm First aid with an option to learn how to place stitches.
5-545 Free play and learn how to play disc golf
Week 4: July 5
4-5 pm Robotics: Make a doodle robot and learn how to make your first engine.
5-545 Free play and pickle ball
Week 5: July 12
4-5pm Arts- paint, draw, create
5-545 : Pool party